We’re inviting voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in the North East of England and Cumbria to join Become Green Together, a training cohort in environmental sustainability. This programme will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a practical sustainability strategy which fits your needs, and embedding environmental knowledge and sustainable practise in your workplace. Wherever you're at on your environmental journey, we're here to help!
Become Green Together has helped provide tools and focus for us to take our climate action ambitions to the next level. Genee and Smart Carbon have been incredibly helpful and we feel so much more confident as to how we can move forward positively with our plan for Net Zero.
-- Meadow Well Connected
The benefits of taking part:
Become Green Together will provide you with heavily subsidised access to these benefits based on the size of your organisation (see below), with up to 75% off!
We also have a bursary scheme to cover the full cost of taking part for those with financial barriers. We currently have bursaries available for organisations in County Durham, Tyne & Wear, Northumberland, and the Tees Valley. Enquire at hello@goinggreentogether.org to check the availability of bursaries before you apply.
These subsidised costs cover membership in iiE and use of the SmartCarbon dashboard over the 12-month period this programme covers. Organisations who wish to use these resources beyond the programme will be responsible for meeting the ongoing costs. We advise organisations to begin to include environmental sustainability costs such as these as part of their ongoing core costs in organisational budgets.
Going Green Together has been awarded funding to deliver this pilot programme in order to build a foundation for climate action in the VCSE sector, and to learn how best to achieve this in future projects. When you apply to join this cohort, we therefore ask that you ensure at least one member of your organisation is available for the following:
Your organisation also needs to commit to paying the subsidised fees for accessing the SmartCarbon calculator and Investors in the Environment framework as outlined above.
All VCSEs working in Cumbria and the North East of England.